Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Praying Mantis in the Garden For Pest Control

Meet my best friend,

Interesting, mysterious, quick footed, comical at times and sure to put a smile on my face. The praying mantis is all of this and more to me. He is one of my best friends in the garden. My alien looking warrior friend that stalks insects and swiftly makes his attack on unsuspecting intruders. Sounds brutal I know, but I have seen firsthand what a large family of squash bugs and other such critters can do to an entire plant overnight.

Pap and I bought two cocoons of praying mantis last year to release into our garden. These can be found at some nurseries or bought online. We found ours at Calloways Nursery in Dallas. Each cocoon has around 150-250 babies in it. We let the cocoons do their thing, and each day I peeked in on them to see if any of them were hatching. When the day arrived it was pretty exciting I have to say! I felt as if I was expectantly awaiting a newborn member of the family except in this case we can say lots of newborn members. Pap and I ran out into the garden with the cocoons hatching and laid them nestled in the vegetable plants.

The praying stance these little fellas do is all about attack mode. While quietly waiting to strike they assume the prayer position with their front legs folded up near their chest. They have a huge appetite and will eat all they can get, and have even been known to eat each other. After they hatched I wondered how often I would see them in the garden, and if they would stick around. I did see our praying mantis's from time to time, and they were always going about their eating ways. As you can see in the first picture near the end of the fall season last year I had one land on me as I was sitting on our back patio. We prayed together and blessed the garden, and then off he flew I suppose to find better tasting food.  


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  2. عندما يتعلق الامر بمكافحة الحشرات فلا مجال للاستهانه به لما له من اثر مباشر علي صحة الفرد والاسره بصفه عامه
    حيث ان وجود او مجرد ظهور الحشرات بالمنزل يؤدي الي انتشار الامراض بالاضافه الي الخسائر الاقتصاديه التي تخلفها ايضا
    لذا كان من الواجب علينا ضمان عدم ظهور تلك الحشرات مره اخري بعد مكافحتها حيث نوفر لك عميلنا العزيزي افضل
    مكافحة حشرات بالخرج
    مكافحة الفئران بالرياض
    مع ضمان عدم ظهور تلك الحشرات كل ما عليك هو التواصل معنا
